Panels and Editors

WordPress Admin Panel The backend interface of your website can be accessed by adding “/wp-admin” to your domain url ( This is where all the WordPress magic happens: WordPress Block Editor A major feature integrated into the WP Admin Panel is the Block Editor. This interface appears when creating content for your website, and can …

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Notable Settings

Every website will need to be configured with various options found in the “Settings” section of the WordPress Admin Panel. Here is a walkthrough of some frequently used: General Site name, tagline, and other essential site information are found in this section: Reading By default, WordPress will use the blog page as the home page …

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Menus & Widgets

One of WordPress’s simple pleasures is how it handles site navigation. Creating menus and using menus across your entire site a breeze. Widgets too. Creating a Menu Navigate to the “Appearance” section of the WordPress Admin Panel and select “Menus”. Enter a name for the new menu to be created and click “Create Menu”: Select …

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“The rabbit-hole went straight on like a tunnel for some way, and then dipped suddenly down, so suddenly that Alice had not a moment to think about stopping herself before she found herself falling down a very deep well.” Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland Themes are what control the presentational aspects of your website: layout, styles, …

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Any case that involves extending the functionality your website or the WordPress platform , should start with plugins. Need to add a calendar to your website? There’s a plugin for that. Wish WordPress had a better content editor? There’s a plugin for that. Plugins are easy to use, well documented, and work seamlessly to add …

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Build a Portfolio Website

This tutorial will focus on building a complete portfolio style website in WordPress. The final version of the website can be found at and you may also download the image assets for the site below: Steps Create an Account Log In to WordPress Configure Settings Activate/Customize Theme Create Pages Create Navigation Menus Configure Widget …

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