These core concepts are essential to building any WordPress website. Visit the Guides section of this website for more detailed information:
- Admin/Editor Panel: The main WordPress interface for website configuration and content creation.
- Settings: Many aspects of a website can be controlled in the Settings section found in the WordPress Admin Panel.
- Pages, Posts and Other Content Types: WordPress, as a Content Management System (CMS), is built around the utilization of different content types—two of the most fundamental, are Pages and Posts.
- Menus & Widgets: Menus are used for site navigation, social links, and other groups of links. Similarly, Widgets provide blocks of helpful content that can be defined and reused throughout the entire website.
- Themes: Most aspects of a website’s appearance and layout are controlled by the theme. In addition, themes can add content types, page editors, widgets, plugins and other features to WordPress when activated.
- Plugins: Another important aspect of the WordPress platform, used to easily enhance WP functionality and add features to a website.